Organization of the Archive Of Colégio De Aplicação of UFS

Intersections between Archivology and History of Education




Permanent documentation, Inventory, Educational historical heritage


This article presents a discussion and the outcomes of the organization process of the Colégio de Aplicação of UFS archive. This process was based on the application of archival principles and techniques in dialog with studies derived from the  History of Education, especially related to the preservation of school collections as an integral part of historical educational heritage. Considering this interdisciplinary approach, the focus was placed on organizing the historical documents held in the  Centro de Memória do Colégio (School's Memory Center). The process resulted in the classification and description of these documents, and the creation and availability of a research tool (inventory).

Author Biographies

Anne Emilie Souza de Almeida Cabral, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Doutora em Educação, professora da Secretaria Municipal da Educação de Aracaju/SE (Semed). Bolsista de Apoio Técnico a Pesquisa 1A (CNPq).

Joaquim Tavares da Conceição, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Doutor em História, professor titular da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Colégio de Aplicação. Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq (PQ2).

Lorena de Oliveira Souza Campello, Instituto Federal de Sergipe

Doutora em História, professora do Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS - Campus Estância).

