Fostering enterprises: an study of the development policies by the municipal government of Chapecó – SC


  • Diogo Pereira dos Santos Unochapecó
  • Marianne Hoeltgebaum Universidade Regional de Blumenau - Furb



The Brazilian government, in the federal, state and municipal levels, makes use of laws, programs and actions to promote companies and the entrepreneurship. These actions aim at promote companies and the entrepreneurship in order to stimulate local economic development. The municipal administration should analyze the real contribution of the existing actions, aiming at an effective management and application of the resources destined to the benefit of companies, and thus making use of actions that really meet the needs of the benefited companies. This work’s goal is to identify the real contributions of municipal promoting actions to companies benefited in the city of Chapecó-SC. The approach of the study is qualitative as to the problem under research and characterized as an exploratory research regarding its goals. As for the procedures, the research is defined as a survey. The population researched comprises 75 companies which have been granted 143 incentives/stimuli. Documental analysis and structured interviews carried out by telephone have been used as a tool to collect data.

Key-words: Promotion to companies, Municipal incentive/stimuli, Entrepreneurship.

Author Biographies

Diogo Pereira dos Santos, Unochapecó

Marianne Hoeltgebaum, Universidade Regional de Blumenau - Furb

Marianne Hoeltgebaun;

Doutora em administração;

Professora e pesquisadora dos programas de mestrado e doutorado da Furb

