SCM (Supply Chain Management) and integration of strategic information in a Brazilian plastic packing industry


  • Augusto Carvalho Stagi UCAM - Universidade Candido Mendes



This article presents the process of definition, implantation and consolidation of an integrated information management system at a great Brazilian Plastic Packing Industry, under the SCM (Supply Chain Management) point of view. The report encompasses three stages: (1) mapping and analysis of information at a corporate specific environment; (2) organization and definition of the information control system to support the strategic decision process; (3) check up of the final results and system feedback. The report has been developed from Jun/2006 to Jun/2007 and, although it had been done focused on the SCM, it gets a strategic level, due to the establishment of the system of control and also to the final results by itself, which allowed the company to consolidate an impressive virtuous cycle.

Author Biography

Augusto Carvalho Stagi, UCAM - Universidade Candido Mendes

Engenheiro de Produção pela UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), MBA em Engenharia Financeira pela UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Mestrando em Economia Empresarial pela UCAM (Uinversidade Candido Mendes). Atualmente Gerente de Negócios de Grande Empresa de Energia e docente do curso de MBA em Petróleo e Derivados no ICPG (Instituto Catarinense de Pós-Graduação)

