Evaluation of peak expiratory flow in individuals after stroke – stroke





Acidente Vascular Cerebral, Volume Expiratório Forçado, Debilidade muscular, Pressões Respiratórias Máximas


Introduction: Stroke is a neurological disorder characterized by a deficit of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Post-stroke individuals tend to have respiratory muscle weakness, resulting in decreased lung capacities and volumes. Objective: to assess the peak expiratory flow (PEF) of these individuals. Methodology: this is a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive and quantitative study, which measured the PEF of residents of the city of Beberibe (CE) with a clinical diagnosis of stroke. The population included post-stroke individuals living in the city of Beberibe (CE). The sample consisted of ten participants. Participated in the study, people with a confirmed diagnosis of stroke, with at least six months of involvement, preserved cognitive, regardless of sex, age equal and / or above 55 years, absence of associated respiratory disorders, or neurological impairment, not active smokers. Individuals who used medication with respiratory action, restricted to the bed, and who currently participated in some physical therapy treatment were excluded. The measurement of PEF was made using Peak Flow Meters. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics, “Student's t test” and linear regression and were tabulated in tables. Results: there is a predominance of Ischemic Stroke, gender homogeneity, systemic arterial hypertension as the most prevalent comorbidity; the PEF values of the female and male sample proved to be statistically significant (p <0.002) when compared to the reference values. Conclusion: in this sample of individuals with chronic stroke, there was a statistically significant reduction in PEF.


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Author Biographies

Lucas Rodrigues, Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe

Bacharel em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe, Pós graduando em Saúde Pública pela Faculdade de Venda Nova do Imigrante – FAVENI.

Stélane Carneiro Albuquerque, Unichisthus

Bacharel em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe, Pós Graduanda em Terapia intensiva pela Unichisthus.

Abigail Ada Barbosa da Silva, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Bacharel em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe, Cursando Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família - UERN – PMM.

Ilamara Raniere Targino Martins, Universidade Anhanguera

Bacharel em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe – FVJ, Pós graduanda em Fisioterapia cardiorrespiratória pela Universidade Anhanguera

Roque Ribeiro da Silva Junior, Faculdade do Vale Do Jaguaribe - FVJ

Bacharel em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe

Magda Lorena Nogueira da Silva, Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe- FVJ

Bacharel em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Potiguar (UnP), Pós graduanda em Traumato-Ortopedia pela Faculdade do Vale do Jaguaribe.


2020-11-03 — Updated on 2020-11-04

How to Cite

LUCAS RODRIGUES; ALBUQUERQUE, S. C.; DA SILVA, A. A. B. .; MARTINS, I. R. T. .; DA SILVA JUNIOR, R. R. .; DA SILVA, M. L. N. Evaluation of peak expiratory flow in individuals after stroke – stroke. FisiSenectus Journal, Chapecó, Brasil, v. 8, n. 1, p. 155–168, 2020. DOI: 10.22298/rfs.2020.v8.n1.5755. Disponível em: https://pegasus.unochapeco.edu.br/revistas/index.php/fisisenectus/article/view/5755. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


