


(Auto)etnografia, Silenciamentos, Atravessamentos, Branquitude, Permanências


Objective: To understand, from an (auto)ethnography, the experiences, absences, presences and permanences, silences and voices in the academic environment, by studying intertwined trajectories, that is, crossings.

Method/approach: With a qualitative approach, the study reflects the context of the accounting education environment. It considers the race, gender and social class intersections of the first author, in an interlocution with the second author. Based on the theory of intersectionality, the accounts are interwoven by social class, as this is the social marker that the first author of this work has in common with the other people who have had their trajectories crossed. It is worth emphasizing that the stories were written from the point of view of the first author.

Main results: The main findings are related to understanding how crossings can collaborate with the permanence and echoing of the voices of black people in the academic environment.

Theoretical/practical/social contributions: One of the contributions is the questioning of how the privilege of whiteness made it possible for the first author of this (auto)ethnography to occupy some positions that black people would naturally find more difficult to attain, when they manage to do so. Thus, there was a reflection on how this privilege can be used to perhaps break the narcissistic pact of whiteness and contribute to the possibility of black people remaining in the academic environment.

Author Biographies

Janaína Rute da Silva Caetano Dourado, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza, Administração Central

Doutora (2018) e Mestre (2013) em Administração pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis (2005) pela mesma Universidade, participa do Núcleo de Estudos Avançados do Terceiro Setor (NEATS); Núcleo de Estudos do Futuro (NEF) e Núcleo FEA-USP de Pesquisa em Gênero, Raça e Sexualidade (GENERAS). Na carreira acadêmica é docente, pesquisadora, coordenadora e gestora de projetos acadêmicos no Eixo Gestão e Negócios na Unidade de Ensino Superior (CESU) no Centro Paula Souza, orientadora de monografia de pós-graduação no Programa de Estudos em Gestão de Pessoas (PROGEP) na Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA-USP), na Universidade São Judas Tadeu leciona no MBA de Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas. Tem experiência na área contábil, com ênfase em controladoria, finanças, Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade (IFRS), e processos de controle interno e auditoria desenvolvendo-se em vários segmentos de mercado em organizações multinacionais, participando de aplicação e desenvolvimento dos CPC's (IFRS) reuniões e treinamentos, além de atuar como Consultora Contábil e para o Mercado Financeiro em organizações e pessoas físicas. Na área científica realiza pesquisa e aprofundamento em metodologias ativas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, gênero, nas áreas de contabilidade societária, aplicada ao IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), educação contábil e financeira, ambiente corporativo, auditoria, mercado financeiro, em organizações do terceiro setor, governança corporativa, competências sustentáveis e inovação para a sustentabilidade. 

Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia Administração e Contabilidade

Silvia Casa Nova is a full professor at the School of Economics, Business Administration, Accounting and Actuarial Science at the University of São Paulo (FEA/USP) and a permanent member of the Master's Programme in Accounting Sciences at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). She is the Financial Director of FUSP. She is an associate editor of Accounting Education (UK, H-Index=37, SJR 2020=0.87), Organizações Sociedade (Qualis A2, UFBA) and Revista Prosppectus (UFPB), all in Brazil, Revista Activos (Universidad Santo Tomás) and INNOVAR (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), both in Colombia, and Revista Summa de Arithmetica (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), in Chile. She holds a doctorate in Accounting Education from USP. She was a visiting researcher at the École de Comptabilité, Université Laval (CAPES grant), a visiting researcher at the Department of Organisational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD), the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), University of Minnesota (UMN) (CAPES grant), and the Business Research Unit of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) (financial support PRPG/USP). She also took part in a research internship at the College of Education + Human Development at the University of Minnesota (financial support PRPG/USP). She is co-organiser of the book series Revolucionando, published by Editora Gen/Atlas, and the book TCC: uma Abordagem leve, divertida e prática, published by Editora Saraiva, in partnership with colleagues from UFU and UEL. He has published in national journals (such as Revista de Contabilidade Finanças, Revista de Administração de Empresas, Revista de Administração Contemporânea) and international journals (Studies in Educational Evaluation, Advances in Public Interest Accounting, Advances in Developing Human Resources and International Journal of Organisational Analysis). He has chapters in international books published by Palgrave Macmillan, IGI Books and Routledge. He graduated in Public Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation Business School. He completed his master's and doctorate in Controllership and Accounting at FEA/USP. She has a post-doctorate from EAESP/FGVSP in Quantitative Methods applied to Accounting. She reviews papers for conferences and journals. She was coordinator and deputy coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in Controllership and Accounting at USP. She is co-founder and co-manager of the FEA-USP Gender, Race and Sexuality Research Centre, which maintains partnerships with the OGA-Observatory of Management and Accountability research group at UFRJ and the Interges group at the National University of Colombia (UNC). She co-coordinates the QRCA (Qualitative Research and Critical Accounting) research network, in which she has collaborated with the general organisation of the conference and the postgraduate consortium every year since 2018, and in the organisation of QRCA webinars through GENERAS. He is a member of AARN (Alternative Accounting Research Network). She is a member of the NEPAC Research Group (Centre for Teaching and Research in Administration and Accounting) at UFU. She has collaborated with the postgraduate programmes at UFPR, FURB, UFU and UFMS in Brazil, ISCTE in Portugal and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Colombia on subjects relating to Teaching Methodology and Qualitative Research Methods. She has been a guest speaker at events in Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Canada, the United States and Portugal. She has experience in Accounting, working mainly on the following subjects: entrepreneurship, gender in higher education, feminism, gender in accounting, accounting education, teaching accounting, teaching in higher education, accounting for small businesses and financial management for small businesses. She is mum to José, Isabela and Gabriela. She is a connoisseur and collector of cachaças.


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