Small airport business governance and regional development.


  • Gabriel de Aquino Valim
  • Ana Carolina Almeida dos Santos
  • Mauro Caetano Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos/SP



Aeronautical infrastructure, Operational management, National integration


Purpose: Small airports business have strategic relevance for national integration and the regional development of a country. Therefore, this study considers the main variables and governance form that make small airports competitive.

Method/approach: Twenty-five small Brazilian airports are evaluated as the study objects using different analytical methods, as DEA and EATWOS.

Main findings: The results provide inputs for the regressions, which relate the organizational characteristics and classify them by their significance. Finally, GDP per capita, population, the closest distance to the airport in relation to the municipality served, delayed flights, and attraction index for airports are significant characteristics that can contribute to regional and national development.

Theoretical, practical/social contributions: The main contributions of the study are associated with the efficiency analyses of small airports from different methods and forms of governance of these businesses considered as references. 

Originality/relevance: The study is relevant for considering both the literature and the practical aspects related to the governance of small airports, given their significant role in air transportation and regional development.


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