Empreendedor, falhas, aspectos afetivosAbstract
Purpose: This research aims to investigate how the affective aspects of entrepreneurs relate to failures.
Method/approach: The method used is a descriptive and exploratory qualitative nature. Data collection was carried out through interviews with 15 Brazilian entrepreneurs. For data analysis, the content analysis method was adopted, considering Bardin's perspective (2016).
Main findings: The obtained results varied according to the experiences and particularities of each individual. The emotions of the entrepreneurs were identified in two aspects: (i) affective aspects can affect the entrepreneur, leading him/her to perform improper actions and attitudes, resulting in business failures; and (ii) the consequences and emotions that the entrepreneur carries after the failure has occurred. Both aspects presented positive and negative mitigating factors, varying in intensity and duration.
Theoretical, practical/social contributions: The purpose of this study is to contribute to the debate on how affectivity can impact entrepreneurs and fill a gap in the existing evidence. More specifically, this study aims to remove the stigma associated with failure as something that only brings negative consequences to the entrepreneur, helping to promote a more effective learning process.
Originality/relevance: By investigating how the emotional aspects of entrepreneurs relate to failures, aligning the fields of entrepreneurship and psychology, this study is relevant for providing insights that can be applied both in academic and practical contexts, contributing to the development of entrepreneurship and the improvement of entrepreneurial practices.
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