Expectancy, Reality, and Locus of Control in the Adoption of a Management Information System





Information Technology, Technology Acceptance Model, Resistance, Digital Limitations, Digital Effectiveness


This teaching case describes the experience of a professional working as head of operations at the secretariat of a graduate school at a Brazilian federal university in dealing with group conflicts on the acceptance and adoption of information technologies (IT) in the workplace. The IT of interest here is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, its use routines and its users (the school’s faculty members). The theoretical framing involves acceptance, adoption, resistance and use of the system by the user group as well as aspects of use effectiveness. Therefore, the case offers opportunities to discuss research traditions institutionalized in the IT community since the 1980s by the technology acceptance model (TAM) and later integrated in the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), along with insights from the newly developed stream of research on IT use effectiveness.


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